最新业务:歌舞伎町选妃 I New Service: Kabukicho Princess Selection
最新业务:歌舞伎町选妃 当前日本风俗行业的最大问题是无法直接见到真人。为了解决这一痛点,我们与歌舞伎町几家高端陪酒酒店合作,推出了全新服务‼️‼️‼️ 顾客可以亲临店内,直接挑选女孩,价格透明,无需额外消费酒水,选定后可直接带走。全程由专人引导,确保流程高效顺畅,绝不迷路🔥🔥🔥 女孩的价格为店内明码标价: •60分钟:10万日元 •120分钟:15万日元(❌无90分钟套餐) 如需超过2小时的服务,更长的时间可现场沟通。 预约方式非常简单:提供您的姓名,我会为您完成预约并告知地址。到达后,向我们在日本的负责人报上大名,他们会协助您安排选人。选定心仪的女孩后,您即可带走,结束后也可以即可离开。 女孩的工作时间为星期一至日20:30至01:00,每日的出勤情况不同,最便捷的方式就是直接到店挑选并带至附近的酒店。 *注明:星期日出勤的女孩会比较少 歌舞伎町一直以来以其风俗文化闻名,现在您也可以亲身体验它的独特魅力。这项体验绝对物超所值!不论是价格还是服务,都为您提供了超乎预期的高端享受。用最划算的价格,体验歌舞伎町的奢华魅力,机会难得🔥 有兴趣的兄弟们,可以立即或提前预约‼️ 体验超值,千万别错过😍 #看真人选妃 #歌舞伎町 #新宿 #新宿案内人 New Service: Kabukicho Princess Selection The biggest issue in Japan’s…
Read more高端出张预约服务(Step-to-door services appointment)
很重要VERY IMPORTANT‼️‼️ 第一步 Step 1️⃣: 必须要进网站选妹子,然后截图,选择时间长度60/90/120分钟/包天或者包夜,和你要的日期和时间,然后酒店地址,门号等。 Go into website > choose girls > screenshot > time services > your available date and time, hotel address and room…
Read more高端出张注意事项(Step-to-door services attention)
预约的朋友们请注意,PLEASE PAY ATTENTION 🚨日本出张店 禁止行为 (Japan step-to-door services prohibited things) 🚨 ⚠️必带套!! (Must wear condom) 注意点(套不要做破了 – Make sure the condom using in good way) 有拒绝带套行为的话 女孩会走‼️请遵守🙏…
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We currently highly recommend only the following two clubs. We will consider adding other clubs later once we find excellent service shops. Our commitment is to recommend…
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Question: How far in advance can I make a reservation? Answer: Please check the website’s where the attendance for the current month is listed. Usually, the schedule…
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Question: Do you provide us pick-up and drop-off services? Answer: YES! We do offer our customers pick-up and drop-off services, but they are only available on specific routes…
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IMPORTANT Price Details: We are agent for both shops. 多恋人 The Talent: 60,000 – 70,000 JPY 高级店 Ailedore: 80,000 – 90,000 JPY Question: Most of the stores…
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Question: Regarding the payment process, can I use Alipay, WeChat Pay, or credit cards to pay in the store? Answer: The ideal payment method is only “CASH”….
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